View Profile AndrewGlisson13

Andrew Glisson @AndrewGlisson13

Age 29, Male


Moore Middle school


Joined on 5/10/09

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Facebook faggot.

Posted by AndrewGlisson13 - April 11th, 2010

Never thought I would make this many news posts in one day. Lmfao.

Anyways, some fag on Facebook wanted me to change my picture. Our conversation is as follows.

Him: for some reason i keep seeing ur pic on my prof. so i kinda think ur pic is a bit offensive so if u could change it that would be great thanks

Him: so u wont or will change it

Me: http://happybrainstorm.com/wp-includes /images/just_say_no.gif


Me: http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/77 5507338a5b3aa9bdce4be095b576b9

Him: ur not funny

Me: http://www.o--rly.com/owl_orly.png

Him: yes really ur really not funny

Me: http://cdn0.knowyourmeme.com/system/pr ofile/icon/2608/big/Oh_ok.png?12612726 61

Him: ok thats actually pretty funny... but still can u change ur prof. pic to like 1 of these instead of my lord flipping me off

Me: http://www.all4humor.com/images/files/

Him: y not

Me: Pick one.

Him: the button thing cuz thats funny

Me: http://cdn0.knowyourmeme.com/system/pr ofile/icon/2608/big/Oh_ok.png?12612726 61

Me: Oh and by the way; What's the difference between Jesus and a painting?

Me: You only need one nail to hang up a painting.

Him: thats not funny at all

Me: http://images.starcraftmazter.net/4cha n/for_forums/butthurt2.jpg

Him: i dont even no u but scru u

Me: http://cdn3.knowyourmeme.com/i/10837/o riginal/795664-butthurt12copy_1_super.

Him: hahaha butthurt

Me: http://moderateinthemiddle.files.wordp ress.com/2009/11/no-shit-sherlock.jpg

Him: scru u now whos butthurt

Me: http://home.arcor.de/irgendeine-adress e/images/super-gay.jpg

Him: hahahahaha look where the red guys hand is

Me: http://www.donotter.com/connects/Smile ys/default/inorite.gif

And there's more of this random bullshit to come, just as soon as he replies.

EDIT: More of his utter fucking stupidity.

Him: wuts dat

Me: http://tcritic.com/wp-content/uploads/

Him: only gurls send pics like dat

Me: http://img2.moonbuggy.org/imgstore/you re-fucking-retarded.jpg


Me: http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/0/1 433/773584-picard_facepalm_super.jpg

Him: now that didnt even say anything

Me: http://www.motifake.com/demotivational -poster/0903/double-facepalm-demotivat ional-poster-1238022040.jpg

Him: umm... ok

Me: http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s85 /Stebthefirst/TripleFacePalm.jpg

Him: how can that be trye when im talking to u ur the biggest faaaiiiiiiiil ive evr seen

Me: http://fantasydragon.net/scv/bs/postin g/nou.jpg

Him: how old r u? act ur age

Me: http://www.bagelsound.com/visual/digit al/splice/images/over9000.jpg

Him: WHAT!?

Me: http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/294 3/over9000d.png


Yes, I understand that my shitty meme filled responses aren't exactly mature, but it doesn't really matter. If it makes him all pissy, than it's good enough for me.

EDIT: He replied again, but I got tired of replying with that same old shit, so I decided to stop and just use text. It's not going to be funny at all anymore, but I'm posting anyways because I fucking feel like it.

Him: is it me or are these just getting stupider hmmmm just like ur prof. pic

Me: Alright, enough of the pictures. You're actually right; they are getting less and less funny. Regardless, you're fucking retarded. It's my profile, not yours. Not my fault that you're getting all pissy over a pixelated image on your screen.

I love how you're telling me to act my age when you're the one getting all pissed over nothing and then resorting to childish insults like "scru u", "LITTLE GURL" and "ur the biggest faaaiiiiiiiil ive ever seen". I suppose they would be a little bit less childish if you would at least spell them right, but still not by much.

EDIT: He replied and then blocked me. Retarded as fuck.

Him: im entitled to my opinion i never said "CHANGE UR PROFILE PICTURE!! I HATE IT"i said "for some reason i keep seeing ur pic on my prof. so i kinda think ur pic is a bit offensive so if u could change it that would be great thanks" its called abreviating things k and if ur too retarded to know that then no wonder ur retarded enough to have a prof. pic like that there fore u r the biggest FAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLL ive ever seen


"CHANGE UR PROFILE PICTURE!! I HATE IT" really isn't at all different from what you had really said. It may have been a bit more polite, but for you to decide to bring it up to me as a message indicates that you felt exactly the way you did in the example provided. The purpose of "abreviating" is to shorten things, and, in total truth, "gurl" is no shorter than is it's correct spelling. "Faaaiiiiiiil" is actually much longer than "fail". "Scru" may be shorter than "screw", but is it truely that hard to add an additional few letters? This is not a chatroom. You have all the time you need to type something. Don't be so fucking lazy.

How does having this profile picture make me retarded? Are you indicating that all atheists are retards? Are you truely that close-minded and ignorant? How does this make me into an enormous failure?

In conclusion, this guy is likely the biggest retard I have ever met in my entire life.


Fuck off, eat shit and die.

I don't understand. Nobody on Facebook complained when I started spreading around that picture of Muhammad eating bacon!

Because Muslims aren't nearly as common as Christians.

Well that depends on whether you're on Facebook or any American site or in some country like United Arab Emigrates. I wonder what the Taliban would do if they had a conversation with you...

That depends on weather or not the conversation takes place in real life. On the internet, it'd probably be much like my conversation with this guy. In real life, they'd kick my fucking ass.

Good point.

Yeah lmao.

Weak sauce little boy. Try this:

1. Go to the alter and claim you're possesed.
2. Pastor lays hands on you to "cast out the demon."
3. Punch same pastor in the face as you fall on the ground convulsing

When used in this context, it's spelled "altar."

^^ That's one of the least logical connections I've ever heard of.

It's just a shitty ass meme.


Yeah lmfao.

Some guys know how to win.

Some guys know how to win and let the victims eat shit.

Which sort of guy are you? -^_^- Manage to win against many with only one attack, then its the ultimate win :P

Rolling on floor laughin my ass off!!! I luf this -^_^-

I know im annoying :P

Oh, and i always wanted to try if HTML can be used in comments :P Let me try on your userpage, good slave* :P

<em>Im so cool :P</em>

* now you have to attack me!!! >:(

I like to win and let the victims eat shit. I know how to do it sometimes.

I really hope he's a Mormon or at least a Protestant of some kind.

Hah, yeah.